All About Full Stack Development- The Complete Guide

How to become a full-stack web developer

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All about Full Stack Development- The complete guide

This is the complete guide on how to become a full-stack web developer, which language should you learn, opportunities, salary, and much more…

Many folks want to start their careers in web development, but they don’t know how and where to start?

In this article, I’m gonna tell you which language you should learn, job opportunities, salary, and much more with resources so that you can kick-start your journey to become a full-stack developer.

Are you guys excited to know about full-stack development, I’m very excited to tell you. So, without wasting any time let’s learn about full-stack development.

What is a Full-Stack Developer?

A full-stack developer is someone who works on the front-end/client side of the application as well as the back-end/server-side of the application.

What is front-end development?

Front-end web development is also known as client-side development is the development of the graphical user interface of a website, through the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so that users can view and interact with that website.

The language used in front-end development is HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and many frameworks and libraries.

“Let me explain to you all three main languages with an example. Let’s take the example of Car. When you look at the car what you see, obviously you see the structure, design, engine, etc.

The structure of the car is HTML, the design is CSS, and the engine, or which we call a brain of the car it is JavaScript.”

HTML: — It stands for ‘Hypertext Markup Language’. It is used to design the front-end portion of the web pages. It acts as a Skelton of the website.

Resources:- Learn HTML from scratch.

CSS: —It stands for ‘Cast Ceding Stylesheet’. It is used in the process of making web pages presentable. It is used to style the website.

Resources: Learn CSS from scratch.

JavaScript: — It is a ‘Scripting language’ used to provide dynamic behavior to our websites like to create dynamically update content, control multimedia, animate images, and much more.

Resources:-Learn to Program in JavaScript: Beginner to Pro

Bootstrap: — It is the most popular CSS framework for developing responsive websites and web pages.

Resources:- Complete Bootstrap course with projects.

Framework: — A framework is a platform that provides a foundation for developing software applications. We use the frameworks to save time and reduce the risk of errors.

They can be used for developing websites, mobile applications, data science, and more

Popular front-end frameworks are React, Vue, Angular, Ember, etc.

Libraries: — It is the collection of prewritten code that users can use to optimize the task.

Popular front-end libraries are Bootstrap, jQuery, SASS, Redux, etc.

When you learn these languages. You will need an IDE (integrated development environment) for practicing. I used VS Code for my practice. I already wrote an article on how you can use VS Code and what are the extensions make your programming language easier.

What is back-end development?

Back-end development is also known as the server-side of the application. It is the part of the website that users can’t see. It usually consists of three parts: a server, an application, and a database.

Server: —A server is a computer or system that provides resources, data, services, or programs to other computers, known as clients, over a network

Application: — An application, is a software program that runs on your computer.

Database: — A database is a data structure that stores organized information. Most databases contain multiple tables, which may each include several different fields.

The most common languages used in the back-end are PHP, Python, Java, Node.JS, etc., and many frameworks and libraries.

Php: — It is a server-side scripting language designed especially for web development.

Resources:- Practical PHP: Master the Basics and Code Dynamic Websites

Python: — It is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently.

Resources:-Introduction To Python Programming

Java: — It is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages. It is highly scalable.

Resources:- Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners

Node.js: — It is an open-source and cross-platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside a browser.

Resources:- Free Node.js lessons

Every language has there pros and cons. Let’s know about the pros and cons of a full stack developer.

Pros of Hiring a full stack developer

  • Problem Solver
  • Wide range of technology skills
  • Executive and management skills
  • Years of experience
  • Cost
  • Jack of multiple technologies
  • Troubleshoot issue
  • Timely delivery, etc.

Cons of Hiring a full stack developer

  • Not able to keep up with the latest trends and technologies
  • Too much knowledge sometimes become a curve
  • Difficulty in implementation
  • An increasing number of stacks, etc.

This is all about front-end and back-end development. Now let us talk about opportunities and salary in web development.


  • Full-Stack developer
  • Front-End developer
  • Back-End developer
  • Web developer
  • UI/UX designer


There is never an argument on the fact that experience plays a key role in defining your salary. A definitive experience with a good company gives you an edge over many newly aspirants.

  • full-stack developer salary in India for a fresher is ₹375,000.
  • A full-stack developer with early-level experience of 1–4 years earns a standard of ₹553,006 annually.
  • An employee with mid-level experience of 5–9 years can secure about INR 12–14 lakhs.


Full-stack web development is not about “knowing it all”, it’s about being able to adapt your knowledge to project requirements. There is no fast track to becoming good in this industry; the road to success is paved with hard work, dedication, talent, and enough learning material.



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