How to Write For Enlear Academy

The Best Place to Publish Your Technical Articles

Editor at Enlear
Enlear Academy


Welcome to Enlear Academy!

This is a community driven publication in which we encourage the entire developer community to share their technical and engineering experiences with everyone!

Why should you submit a story?

Here are some benefits of publishing of submitting a story to Enlear Academy:

  1. We will publish your story on Enlear Academy where your story will be read by over 200,000 thousand readers.
  2. We will review your story and provide you with suggestions for improvement, if required.
  3. We will share your story on Enlear’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn official social media accounts.
  4. You will become a part of the Enlear Academy blogging team, where you can learn and share tips & tricks to build your writer profile.

​​Additionally, we encourage you to share your story on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms. Plus, make sure @Enlear, so that we can promote your post by reposting as well.

How should you submit a story?

We welcome technical writers who are passionate about sharing their expertise with others. If you are interested in writing for us, please follow the below steps.

Step 01: Preparing an article for submission

1. Choosing a Topic

Your post should be focused around modern frontend technologies, backend technologies, or even cloud computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud).

Next, when you’re brainstorming for topic ideas, it’s important to add value to your topic. It’s not about going over an idea, but rather, making your reader benefit out of your topic. Your reader should walk away learning something new.

So, after years of researching, we have created the perfect formula for writing articles. Try this formula in your writing — “What I care about” + “What can benefit other people in the community.”

If a topic piques your interest and has the potential to enhance the lives of others, it’s worth sharing. For instance, if you’re passionate about AWS and passionate about building highly resilient serverless solutions, consider writing about experiences in doing so, along with tips for potential readers for getting started.

2. Article Structure

Creating a well-structured post is an art in itself. Follow these simple rules to craft a compelling narrative:

Introduction: Grab your readers’ attention by succinctly explaining what your post is about and how it will benefit them. Keep this section short, comprising 2–3 paragraphs with 2–3 lines each.

Part 1: Dive right into the main content of your post. Utilize examples and code to make your points crystal clear.

Part 2 and 3: Build upon the previous sections and take your readers to the next level of understanding. Ensure a logical flow between sections, each building on the last and progressing toward the desired outcome.

Conclusion: Summarize key takeaways, preferably using bullet points. Encourage readers to comment and engage, turning your post into a dialogue rather than a lecture.

3. Logical Content Structure

Your post should exhibit a strong logical flow between sections.

Consider adopting a technique used by a Canadian Supreme Court judge:

Write a single sentence summarizing the essence of each paragraph and arrange them in a flowchart. If it makes sense, your structure is on the right track.

4. Article Content

While you’re writing for Enlear Academy, it’s important to keep your content up to these standards:

  1. Reading time: Aim for a 5–10 minute read.
  2. Level: We welcome posts for beginners and experts alike.
  3. Paragraphs: Keep them concise, with 2–4 lines each.
  4. Titles: Make them stand out.
  5. Banner: Place it beneath the main title or subtitle.
  6. Links: Use hyperlinks or cards for added context.
  7. Recommended tags: Include relevant tags like JavaScript, web development, programming, open source, react, coding, and software development.
  8. Grammar: Double-check your grammar; tools like Grammarly can be helpful.
  9. Code: Embed code from GitHub or other sources, or use inline code blocks.
  10. Images: Ensure you have the necessary rights and permissions for any images you use.
  11. Writing style: Be honest, interesting, objective, and, above all, awesome.

Step 02: Writer onboarding

After you’ve written your article, it’s important that you’re part of our writing team before you can submit stories to Enlear Academy:

  1. Fill this form with relevant details.
  2. We will review your request, include you as a writer in our publication, and get back to you within 3 working days.
  3. After that, you can submit your first draft according to the guidelines defined in Step 01.

Step 03: Article submission

After you’ve written your article, and are a part of the writing team of Enlear Academy, you can add your story to the Enlear Academy publication through Medium.

Step 04: Next steps

After you’ve submitted your story to Enlear Academy, our editorial team will get to work and will start reviewing your article. If there are any changes to be made, we will notify you. If not, we will directly publish your article on Enlear Academy.

Please note that this process might take three business days.

Good luck!

We hope to see your article published on Enlear Academy soon!

